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Simply Said By Simon

Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s anticipated problems, but it is the culprit that steals today’s peace away from you. Peace is the place in your mind that you take all your troubles to and leave them knowing that even if it doesn’t turn out as you want, you will be alright.

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Reality or Regal Wishes

Maybe you remember the humorous story about the person who received three wishes. Well, I have not been given three wishes but I have been fortunate to have one brain. With my brain, I have the choice of blessings or curses upon my life. I can use my brain to think positively and create a…

Take no prisoners – make no excuses

I had a good night; I will make it a great day. I like Yoda’s quote, “Do or don’t do; there is no try.” Strive to be a doer more and less a talker. If you aren’t fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm. Vince Lombardi. I attribute my success to this -…

One third of the way

It’s theorizing Tuesday that all things are possible if we only believe in our God, who will bring them to pass. Trust your dreams and aspirations to Him who will withhold no good gift from you – our God who will bring it to pass. What is on your agenda for today? I’m going to…

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